Friday, December 5, 2008

Having Christmas?

Having Christmas?
So what does it mean when people say "we are having Christmas"? I interpret that to mean that they are getting together at the home of family and/or friends, there will be beautiful decorations, hors d’voures, Christmas cookies, gift exchanges, a delicious meal, maybe some eggnog etc. This is how many of us "Have Christmas".
OOOo, something is missing.
Can we fix it?
Stay focused, Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus.
Here are some ways to stay focused on the true meaning of Christmas.
A Religious Holiday --Attend church services on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. No excuses, make it happen.
Gift Giving – Don’t let gift giving turn into a greedfest. Put a manger scene under the Christmas tree. Explain to the children about the birth of Jesus and that the 3 wise men were the first to give Christmas gifts. It is also a reminder that God gave us the gift of his own son on that first Christmas Day in Bethlehem. These reminders provide a connection to gift giving and the true meaning of Christmas.
The Word Made Flesh – Get into the Word of God. Read the gospel passages that describe the first Christmas. Or read from Isaiah 9 the prophesy of the coming of Jesus.
Music! -- How about some Christmas Carols or Handel’s Messiah which is based on Isaiah 9.
The Magic Of Christmas – The true magic of Christmas is the unexpected acts of kindness that people do at Christmas time. Do an unexpected act of kindness.
Have fun and stay focused on Christmas as a celebration of the birth of Jesus.
And wish everyone “Merry Christmas”
What are your ideas about keeping the true meaning of Christmas? Post a comment and share your thoughts.
Has someone surprised you with an unexpected act of kindness. Share the news. Post a comment.

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Walmart Tragedy - A prayer

The Wal-Mart Tragedy

Dear Blogger Friends & Family,

Most of us are returning to our normal jobs this morning after enjoying the Thanksgiving Holidays. However, there is one Wal-Mart employee who will never return to work. He was killed on Black Friday by a greed motivated crowd as they stampeded into the store, knocking him over and trampling him to death. Here is a prayer for that Wal-Mart employee, and for all of us.

Dear God Our Heavenly Father,
We ask you to show mercy on the soul of this Wal-Mart employee who died a needless death on Black Friday. Welcome him into your loving arms and eternal rest. Comfort his grieving family, and help them to find forgiveness in their hearts for the people responsible for this tragic and unnecessary death.

We ask your forgiveness for all of us, because we are all greedy at times. We are sorry for disappointing you. We ask forgiveness for the greedy mob that killed this man, the corporate promoters that created this tragic scenario, and for the corporate decision makers who have turned a season of holiness into a season of profit.

Help all of us to return to the true meaning of Christmas, the day when you gave the gift of your Son to all humanity. Help us to prepare to celebrate this holy day of Christmas with prayers and acts of kindness. Bring us all back to you and to the true meaning of Christmas, Amen.
May God bless all of those who pray this prayer and/or pass it along.