Thursday, October 23, 2008

Christmas Button

This is a campaign to get people to truly understand what Christmas is. Therefore we need a campaign button. This button is great. I wear mine everyday starting in December. I buy extra buttons and put them on wrapped presents. I also put one on my tree. Last year I gave one to the UPS man because he liked mine. You can buy this button at They are reasonably priced, fun to wear, fun to give away and they get the message across.

December 25, 1AD

I am on a campaign to get people to focus on what Christmas really is.

To start my campaign, I would like to begin with a basic fact-- Christmas is December 25th, this is the day that we celebrate the birth of Jesus.

I hear people say things like "we're going to have Christmas next week with my family and then the following week with my husband's family." Huh? Was Jesus born twice?

I decided that maybe Jesus needs a Birth Certificate so that people won't be so confused. So I made one for him. You might want to share this with your friends that are confused about when we celebrate Christmas. Post it on your refrigerator. Mark you calendar. Christmas is coming December 25th.